by Joel | Jan 26, 2016 | press, starcrossedonline
Last week I was interviewed by Sabina Wex from the Dalhousie Gazette reflecting on the one year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France. Sabina spoke with myself and Chronicle Herald cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon about our thoughts on Charlie Hebdo and free...
by Joel | Dec 8, 2015 | books, Starcrossed: Volume One, starcrossedonline
Looking for that last minute stocking stuffer? Give the gift of comics! Between December 7th and December 14th all Artist Edition copies of Starcrossed: Volume One are 30% OFF! What is this magical Artiest Edition you say? Starcrossed: Volume One – Aritst...
by Joel | Nov 18, 2015 | Comics Coast to Coast, podcasts, starcrossedonline
Stories. Ultimately that’s what any comic artist is trying to do, tell stories. Jake Parker has been working on Skyheart in one way or another for over ten years. He has helped companies like Blue Sky and Marvel tell their stories. He has told other stories...
by Joel | Oct 30, 2015 | appearances, starcrossedonline
If you’re going to be at Hal-Con this weekend in Halifax I will be attending the event on Saturday, October 31. Here is a quick look at where to find me. Webcomics Panel Rooms 204 & 205, 2nd Floor WTCC 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM With Christopher Hemsworth (not...
by Joel | Oct 5, 2015 | Comics Coast to Coast, podcasts, starcrossedonline
250 episodes of Comics Coast to Coast. Holy crap! I can now say with authority that I have been co-hosting and co-producing Comics Coast to Coast longer than I have not been. It’s a peculiar feeling to look back and think about my days brainstorming ideas and...
by Joel | Sep 14, 2015 | Comics Coast to Coast, starcrossedonline
Comics Coast to Coast 247 – Piers Baker Last week we interviewed Piers Baker about his comic strip Ollie And Quentin. Previously syndicated by King Features in the US, Ollie And Quentin can currently be found on GoComics. Piers has been a professional...