On March 26, 2011 my kid sister is going to be exercising like a superhero for
six hours straight at the Bust a Move event, presented by the QEII and IWK Foundation, in support of breast health here in Nova Scotia. Her goal is to raise at least $1,000. A donation of any size will help!
One out of every nine women in Nova Scotia is diagnosed with breast cancer. Of those women, one dies every second day. By participating in Bust a Move for Breast Health Andrea is becoming a superhero for herself, her friends, her family and every Nova Scotian who has been, is, or ever will be touched by breast cancer.
Bust a Move 2011 will raise funds to create a Breast Health Centre located within the IWK that will enable centralized, one-stop breast care for the hundreds of families who face breast cancer each year.
On behalf of my sister Andrea, I’m spreading the word and helping her support this great cause. If you can help, please visit her personal donation page and sponsor her online. (Click on the pic!) Or you can print off a Donation Form from the Resources Page at Bustamove.ca to submit a cash or cheque donation.
Andrea’s Personal Bust A Move Donation Page
With Bust A Move you can sit back, relax and know that you supported a great cause while Andrea is busting her butt superhero style at the Canada Games Centre in Halifax with close to 900 others, including Hollywood icon and celebrity guest, Paula Abdul.
Thanks in advance for your support!