Not only is fall my favorite time of year, but it’s also time for Hal-Con!


Hal-Con is Halifax’s own sci-fi, fantasy and gaming convention. This year the convention will be held over three days, November 8th-10th. I am super excited that I will be returning to Hal-Con as guest this year.

Last year I launched Starcrossed: Volume One at Hal-Con. (Wow, has it been a whole year!?). This year, I will have plenty of books, art, prints and hopefully some T-shirts with me too. I will be participating in several panels throughout the weekend, including panels on Webcomics and Podcasting. The panel schedule is still being put together by the hard working volunteers at Hal-Con.

I will be sure to post additional details regarding panels and where you will be able to find me at Hal-Con as the days wind closer to the fun filled weekend in Halifax.

You can see some of the other super guests lined up for Hal-Con 2013 right here.

See you there!



Hal-Con 2013 Panel Info

Webcomics (Quick update: Nov 5th, 2013)

Panel Description:
Additional panel guests TBA. We will take a few minutes at the start of the panel to talk about our work and our experiences in webcomics, then open the floor to a Q & A session for the bulk of the panel.

About Doug Savage: (from
Like a lot of people do, I lost track of my childhood dream of being a cartoonist. Somewhere along the way, and I found myself working in an office instead, doing decidedly uncreative things. Under the glaring fluorescents, my penmanship deteriorated and I forgot how to draw. A few more years passed, and I started getting migraines.

One day, when I was sick of working overtime and I’d had one migraine too many, I drew two chickens on a sticky note.  Quickly I learned how important it is to have a creative outlet in life. I haven’t had a migraine since 2006 (knock wood) and I’ve got the best work-life balance I’ve ever had. And hey, look at that. It turns out I’m a cartoonist, after all.

Besides the cartoons, I’m exploring all kinds of other creative things, like animation, sculpting, and painting. I’m trying new things all the time and loving every minute of it.


Panel Description:
Joel and Jocelyn I will cover the basics of getting into podcasting and how to overcome some of the creative and technical hurdles that can hold back newcomers to this incredibly fun form of expression. We’re not perfect! There are still lots of things that we struggle with and we’ll talk about that too. Audio, video, live streaming and community, we’ll touch on everything. The Citadel Cafe and The Gamers’ Inn are recorded and streamed live every week. The Gamers’ Inn is produced in both audio and video for the network and both Joel and Jocelyn are contributing members of the FrogPants podcasting network. There will be lots of time for Q & A.

About Jocelyn Moffett:
Jocelyn co-hosts and produces The Gamers’ Inn with Ryan Murphy, a weekly video podcast on gaming and industry news. She also co-hosts The Angry Chicken with Garrett Weinzierl and Willie “Dills” Gregory. The Angry Chicken focuses on the upcoming Blizzard Entertainment title, Hearthstone. When not on mic, Jocelyn fills the spot of line producer for Comics Coast to Coast, and writes editorial articles and game reviews for DogHouse Network.