The Citadel Cafe 205: Blizzard TV

Brockett Vola is here to talk about The Sixth Gun comic series and Joel has been quenching his Warcraft thirst with the Warcraft movie and cool audio dramas leading up to the new World of Warcraft Legion expansion. There is also a lot of side track talk about...

The Citadel Cafe 205: Blizzard TV

Brockett Vola is here to talk about The Sixth Gun comic series and Joel has been quenching his Warcraft thirst with the Warcraft movie and cool audio dramas leading up to the new World of Warcraft Legion expansion. There is also a lot of side track talk about...

The Citadel Cafe 196: No One

Paul Fox joins Brockett Vola and Joel to discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Brockett and Paul share their thoughts (Wihtout Cerebro) on X-men Apacaplypse and Paul gives a spoiler free heads up on the Warcraft movie killing it at the box office The post The...

The Citadel Cafe 155: Leaky Con Chronicles

Lou Page and Joel discuss some of the cool trailers - leaked or official - that have come out of San Diego Comic Con this past week and how the studios are handling the ravenous internet, for better or worse. Lou has hacked into a new nerdy TV show and Joel has been...