Word seems to be getting around! One of the most popular commissions I do is the Avatar Sketch Card. There is a full description here but the basic idea is that I draw a little picture of you as if you were to appear in Starcrossed. Then you get to use that pic across all of your social media platforms and make your friends insanely jealous. Sounds great right?
Over the past week or two I’ve added a few new avatars to the gallery including some special requests as well as @BobafettishWoW and @NicoleSpag from the FrogPants community.
Thanks for the commissions guys!
I am working on streamlining the ordering process for avatars. Here is the store page.
[nggallery id=avatar-sketch-cards]
Those are great! What an awesome idea.
Thanks man! Still streamlining the process a bit, but so far so good!
These are so good, Joel, well done! The avatar for Nicole is super cute too. :)
Thanks Nick! If you have any questions, let me know. We can certainly talk about them on Tadpoolery. I’m slated for a guest spot on Feb 15th!