by Joel | Jan 26, 2016 | press, starcrossedonline
Last week I was interviewed by Sabina Wex from the Dalhousie Gazette reflecting on the one year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France. Sabina spoke with myself and Chronicle Herald cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon about our thoughts on Charlie Hebdo and free...
by Joel | Dec 18, 2015 | podcasts, The Citadel Cafe
Lou, Brockett and Ryan are all here to celebrate the holidays the best way we know how - By getting ready for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. With holiday hootenannies, Christmas concerts it looks like we're all in for A Very Murray Christmas... With light sabers. The...
by Joel | Dec 11, 2015 | podcasts, The Citadel Cafe
Lou Page is here to talk Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Killgrave while Joel takes a terrifying walk on the wild side. There is a new Batman v Superman trailer and the most important day of the year is almost here... Star Wars! The post The Citadel Cafe 173: Wild Things...
by Joel | Dec 8, 2015 | books, Starcrossed: Volume One, starcrossedonline
Looking for that last minute stocking stuffer? Give the gift of comics! Between December 7th and December 14th all Artist Edition copies of Starcrossed: Volume One are 30% OFF! What is this magical Artiest Edition you say? Starcrossed: Volume One – Aritst...
by Joel | Oct 24, 2015 | appearances
If you’re in Halifax enjoying the Halifax Pop Explosion, here is some quick info about the Zine Fair. I will have a table there this afternoon! Look for the table with: Starcrossed Books – Artist Editions only $10! Various Prints Original Art –...