by Joel | Aug 18, 2015 | blog, Comics Coast to Coast, Inspiration, podcasts, starcrossedonline
Sometime in early 2014 I stumbled upon Piper Thibodeau’s work through the @Sketch_Dailies twitter feed. I easily found my way to her enormous portfolio gallery on DeviantART. I became an instant fan. I quickly realized that Piper was posting a new piece of art...
by Joel | Feb 1, 2014 | Starcrossed
I took a few minutes before bed the other night to do a quick sketch for the Sketch_Dailies group on Twitter. More detail on my deviantART post.
by Joel | Dec 4, 2013 | interviews, Starcrossed, starcrossedonline
A few weeks ago I was approached by Starcrossed reader and fellow doodler Eric Holm to take part in a blog series he’s launching about art and inspiration. I am flattered to say that Eric is very kind in his words about my work. He also had some unique questions...
by Joel | Dec 21, 2011 | books
I’ve mentioned Greg and Dave from in inpsirational posts before. This time is a little different because rather than consuming their wonderful work online via Twitter or their website, I have a firm grip on a their latest sketch book Thoughts...
by Joel | Nov 2, 2011 | Inspiration
I find myself drawn to artists that have a lot of energy in their sketches. Francisco Herrera is one of those artists. You can find a smattering of his work over at Herrera’s Blog In A Box but heads up, some images contain (cartoon) anatomy and nudity....