I Made A Top Ten

‘Tis the season for ‘Best of’ lists. Granted we see a lot of them this time of year, I do find them fun when they’re relevant to my interests as I often discover something or someone new. Well, I got a surprise on Monday when Twitter told me...

Boxing Day Sale! 20% Off

Welcome to my first ever Boxing Day Sale! Everything but T-shirts is 20% off. Fill your e-cart with the goodies you want and enter the code “jdboxingday” at checkout. Just keep in mind that I will not be able to begin to draw or mail out any orders until...

Merry Christmas On Ice

I am going to be away from the studio and computer for longer than I thought over the Christmas holidays. It turns out most of southern Ontario is frozen. Literally.  We had an ice storm over the weekend that covered everything in an inch or so of ice and cut power...

Starcrossed on Facebook

Recently, my friends over at StarCast shared a link to my Starcrossed Facebook Page. Unfortunately, there were a number of issues where some people were unable to view the page. In some cases the link was simply broken. In others the link pointed to what appeared to...

Starcrossed Live!

As some of you may know, when I draw Starcrossed or work on commissions I try to stream live on Ustream.tv while I work. Earlier this fall I ran into some trouble with the web app on Ustream.tv no longer being compatible with my webcam – a cheap little Dynex 1.3...